I always go to Dragon-I (Pavillion KL). They've got good Xiao Loong Baos, custard buns and noodles. I also love their salted egg prawns. On average, Hubby and I go there atleast twice in one trip. I blogged about them here before.

Another one I always go to is Madam Kwans (Pavillion KL). You've got to try their Nasi Bojani!-For the tenth millionth time. The bonus this time? We got to meet Madam Kwan in person, but I was too chicken to ask her for a photo. Instead I just waved good-bye.

Ahhh..and we dont miss going to Tony Roma's either. It's all around the world, but somehow we really like the KL one. They had this 13-inch rib promotion going on and even had a competition for who ate the fastest! -Ther winner got one year of free dining in Tony Romas. Geeze.

Here's a newbie..Bavarian Bierhaus. I definitely had a good Bratwurst with sauerkraut. It was a accidental discovery since our hotel was nearby and it looked busy. Busy = good food no?

And sometimes the simple things are the best. Fresh Strawberries. They're hard to come by over here, and super expensive even if they are available. In KL it's a tad cheaper. Love them.
I know I'm missing out alot of other great stuff in KL..but you ought to know I was kind of time and transport constrained. I HATE public transport in KL. I mean HATE. My inner demon has unleashed to deal with taxi drivers before and the KTM has stopped on me before.
Someone should offer me a job to try food all around the world, ofcourse they'd have to hire me a personal trainer too...offers anyone?
I would love to be a food critique too but don't want to end up like Matt Preston!! Lol.
ReplyDeleteAnd can you believe I still have not tried Tony Roma's in Perth?
ReplyDeleteserious? but i heard it isnt as good as Hog's breath.