I'm still in love with the beautiful weather and outdoor activities though I'm sure when summer hits I'll be hiding in my own cave and wanting to hibernate. But for now, I'm content and totally hearting the breezes.
A few days ago my girlfriends brought me to Walter's River Cafe for afternoon tea. I'm telling you, good company, good weather, good food..what else could you expect?
And look at this little cutie...
She's one of my bestie's girl and has the cheekiest expressions and heartwarming smile. Her vocabulary is constantly increasing and her phrase for the moment is 'odeah!'- a toddler's take on 'Oh dear!' We could of given her a bowl of fries and a bottle of water and she'd be content.
This particular afternoon tea made us girls realize we should send our hubbies off to man-the-kids while we have a day of girly chats and spas. Sounds like a plan to me!
Walter's River Cafe
off Burke Drive or Honour Avenue
Point Walter
Bicton, Western Australia
If only every day could be like this!